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Sales to CEO - Next Level

Are you an automotive sales professional looking to supercharge your career and rise through the ranks? Do you aspire to reach the pinnacle of success in the automotive industry, from salesperson to CEO? Look no further, as Louie Herron's "Sales to CEO" course is the definitive roadmap to achieving your dreams.
Here's what you get:
- Over 50 training videos and 50 page workbook with supporting material
- Louie's Book: Driven by Fire
- A Free 30 Minute Virtual Session with Louie
- Lifetime subscription with new ongoing content
Join us as we lay the groundwork, set milestones, and explore essential skills for success in this transformative journey. Get ready to accelerate your career and unlock your leadership potential! If you are going to be in the car business, why not put forth the effort to be the best in sales and rise to the next level.